Nyan MIPS!

2 years ago
1 comment

This is my first game written in Assembly (MIPS32 architecture).

Meow Meow Meow?

You can play this game by running it in MARS (MIPS Assembler and Runtime Simulator).

I will put the game code below.

This game needs bitmap display and keyboard simulator. Open them in Mars->Tools->Bitmap Display/Keyboard and Display MMIO Simulator.

Bitmap Display Settings:

  • Unit width: 4
  • Unit height: 4
  • Display width: 512
  • Display height: 256
  • Base address: 0x10008000 ($gp)

Remember to click the "Connect to MIPS" button to connect the bitmap display and the keyboard to the MIPS simulator.


  • Start menu:
    • w/s: move the cursor
    • d: select
  • Game:
    • w: jump
    • a: slow down
    • d: speed up
    • p: restart

Source code (the code is too long to be displayed directly in the article): [Download]

Decompress the zip file, you will see:

  • game.asm: the assembly code, open it with MARS and you will be able to play the game
  • assets: some game assets
  • img.py: an image converter, it can convert images to assembly arrays
  • music.py: an MIDI music file converter, it can convert .mid MIDI music files to assembly arrays

Have fun!